Question about the censored version

So I live in Australia and was wondering what was changed in our version, because I am getting confused about the banning of Shaundi's loyalty mission. So is there no way that the two Shaundi's will get super powers in the simulation? Also, will the removal of the loyalty mission have no effect to the ending? I was also confused about this, are the romance scenes still there? Those romance scenes are top notch on hilarity. :)
So I live in Australia and was wondering what was changed in our version, because I am getting confused about the banning of Shaundi's loyalty mission. So is there no way that the two Shaundi's will get super powers in the simulation? Also, will the removal of the loyalty mission have no effect to the ending? I was also confused about this, are the romance scenes still there? Those romance scenes are top notch on hilarity. :)

I don't have that version but I was told the two Shaundi's just get the powers after you rescue them.
This is not a technical modding question. Moving to Get Help forum.
Extremely minor spoilers:

I believe it might have something to do with getting the alien narcotics in that mission; or, maybe the furries.

Trippiest effects for getting high in a game, though. Almost fried my computard.
The mission in question was removed because it involved searching for, ingesting, and displaying the effects of "alien drugs".

The Australian version of the game, just gives you the rewards automatically without having to do the mission.
i.e. Shaundi's loyalty mission is auto-completed for you.
But that mission was probably one of the best moments in the game, where the Two Shaundi's finally get along... and the music...
Sorry that didn't help the thread at all. Was a 'just sayin' post.:oops:
The mission is still in the game.

As far as I can tell (having played the ROW build on Xbox and the AU PC version) the only difference is that after the two Shaundi's race through the city and then make nice with eachother and go to fight Veteran Child there is a shimmering/blur/ripple effect on the screen a little bit similar to when you smoked weed in SR2.

Aside from that the missions are identical, so this must be the 'negative side effect' that drug use to be shown to result from drug use in this jurisdiction (again, similar to to the rippling/blurring effect when you smoked the weed in SR2).
It has been determined that Modding the mission back into the game will not be allowed.

However, discussion of the mission can continue.
Still there or not, posting any method that allows Australian players to play said mission, will result in disciplinary action.