Ok. I've decapitated Zinyak right? So why do I STILL HEAR HIM post-ending on the klassic 102.4
I mean, at least an indication I killed him.... like with sr2 theres a "dane vogel memorial" indicating you have killed him. cant zinjai come out and say that they archived all of their former leaders radio lines and play a "memorial" song to zinyak?

hey, im not complaining TOO much.... zinyak after all is one of the best villains in saints row history. i would just like the game to remind me hes dead is all.
this is more of a nitpick than anything else.
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You're not. The simulation (aka the city) is destroyed before the final mission.

You might ask "So how come I can still play in Steelport after beating the game". Well, would you prefer if you couldn't?

It's the same thing as in Mass Effect 3.
You're not. The simulation (aka the city) is destroyed before the final mission.

You might ask "So how come I can still play in Steelport after beating the game". Well, would you prefer if you couldn't?

It's the same thing as in Mass Effect 3.
no, i wouldnt. XDDDD meh, makes sense. i always think they rebuilt it post-game... XD
You're not. The simulation (aka the city) is destroyed before the final mission.

You might ask "So how come I can still play in Steelport after beating the game". Well, would you prefer if you couldn't?

It's the same thing as in Mass Effect 3.
If that were the case, the propaganda billboards wouldn't have changed to say things like "MURDERER"
When I worked in radio, one of the less shady things we did was pre-record airshifts. So, say, I was posted to be on the air from midnight to 6am. Instead, like most people, I like to sleep during that time so I'd go in right before that shift, take a look at the playlist, record twenty or so little song intros and a weather report per hour, piece it all together and I'm home before dinner's done.

I imagine Zinyak doesn't have the time to cover a 24/7 airshift while he's busy taking over the world and all. He probably pre-recorded, and I don't get the impression Zinjai actually liked Zinyak enough to make him a memorial.
There's a long list of non ending elements. I don't really care, since it's SR4....I'm not a stickler for continuity with a game with an anal probe weapon BUT, since we are talking about it:

1.) Most Homies have no idea the war is over. They speak as if you haven't defeated Zinyak, and make no reference to time travel.
2.) The Aliens still attack you despite you being their supreme ruler!
3.) The Wardens still attack you.....same idea.

In the end it seems to be because it's a video game. Not an interactive movie, or artistic experience. It's about the game first. Most things that break continuity do so for the sake of gameplay. It's much like trying to rationalize Pac-man. What makes SR series great is the gameplay comes first, and circle jerk second. Personally, I got sick of GTA sacrificing fun for continuity. They worship the circle jerk.
Pretty much what tonic said; just treat the post-game stuff as the saints dicking around in the sim, before getting back to their duties running the restored Earth and the Zin empire. I admit, though, that little endgame bits, like those mentioned, are nice touches.
also, while were on the topic of radio, (since im too lazy to post a new thread) quick little gripe..... they licensed the touch (which is a great song) but NOT dare to be stupid? D: that song also fits so well to going on a sandbox rampage.