Random Homies Mod

Just extract to your Saints Row The Third directory and have fun with some homies mods like

Johnny Gat, Oleg Nude, having the Zombie Horde replaced with 3 homies

AngelWithMask, PierceSpace, GatSpace, Saints Backup replaced with Viola Saints, Viola

Morningstar, and ShaundiSpace, Zombie Horde has been changed to Saints Backup with

Gat's picture next to it and when you call Pierce Picks up the phone, and the Tank Homie now

brings you the Black Crusader that you can normally get when you do the My Name Is Cyrus

Temple mission


I am a dude and I fixed it for you I hope its easier to read now:cool:

It's still difficult to read. If you're serious about being a part of this community and releasing mods then you really should take the above suggestions to heart and create a bullet point list of changes.
Just extract to your Saints Row The Third directory and have fun with some homies mods like:
  • Johnny Gat, and Oleg Nude
  • Zombie Horde replaced with 3 homies AngelWithMask, PierceSpace, GatSpace
  • Saints Backup replaced with Viola Saints, Viola Morningstar, and ShaundiSpace
  • Zombie Horde has been changed to Saints Backup with Gat's picture next to it and when you call Pierce Picks up the phone
  • Tank Homie now brings you the Black Crusader that you can normally get when you do the My Name Is Cyrus Temple mission
This probably isn't accurate, but it's what I get from reading the post.
I'm not sure if you added the bulleted list or not to the OP, but I can't see the list, so I can't really see what has been changed. (I like to skim read these things)