RapidFire HighPower SonicGun

ok, i'll try it
something like this:



<Flag>gibs victims</Flag>

ok, i'll try it
something like this:



<Flag>gibs victims</Flag>


Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, but more like this:

<Flag>gibs victims</Flag>
well it worked, although i did think put it like you said, it was an option... :P
it's awesome... its like upgrade to a 50 cal sniper...
but... for some reason now, upgrading it makes it no zoom in... :S it's the weirdest thing, i'll see how to fix it...
(also i've put damage 5000 so now explodes vehicles with one shot too :D)
done, i was like this:


<Flag>gibs victims</Flag>

<Flag>can zoom</Flag>



thanks a lot man, if you want to release it in your mod or as a mod, please do it... i think the sniper, having explosive bullets that desintegrates humans and explodes vehicles at level 4 it's a good mod... just mention me in some way :-P well, only if you want... now i'll try to make the sonic gun have more range...