Regarding the April Fool's version of Steelport

As we all know, Saints Row IV had some notable changes made to the city. As such, it's obvious that simulation 31 is lacking in many unique buildings, like the obviously absent Syndicate towers.

And even though these changes were carried out, I always wondered about the version of Steelport we never got in the final product in The Third's sequel. So I'm wondering: Does this version of Steelport exist in some format besides a singular screencap or was it some photo editing mumbo-jumbo? I'd imagine the latter is the less likely possibility, as certain details of the image may suggest otherwise.

-The massive screen on the side of the Morningstar tower seems to show some Zin imagery of sorts, but I don't recognise it. I doubt Volition would simply make it exclusive for that screenshot unless it was used elsewhere.

-The buildings show the district override colours utilised in Saints Row IV, which shine from the Syndicate towers in the image. This effect can also be seen on the 3 Count Casino EtD Crib in IV if mods are used.

-Not exactly an essential point, but I do notice the Decker plant and the Safeword spotlights are in the image. That at least means most of Steelport's Syndicate elements were used in this.

I'm hoping if this does exist, maybe it would be good to show off in the future, whether it be a mod (doubting that's possible due to current limitations) or in a Volition stream. However, as I'm writing this, I'm beginning to think that if this was in some compiled form, then we would already know about it. But still, does it exist?

Edit: Didn't post the image the way I wanted to. Damn.


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