Repacking a .dds into a .cvbm_pc file

I'm sure you're all busy, but I was just curious as I've searched all the obvious places in the forum for a guide; explaining how to turn .dds files back into CVBM files, so I can then re-pack it with the SRT repacker.

What I mean by this is:

1) I un-packed a STR2 file called "tattoo_Larm_1".
2) Then I went into the new folder and it has three files "@streams","tat_leftarm_demon01" and "tat_leftam_demon01.gvbm_pc" file.
3) I then unpacked the .cvbm file with SR3TextureUtilities5 and it gives me a .dds file.
4) I open up the .dds file with VB, edited it to my liking and saved it.
5) How do I then turn the .dds file back into a .cvbm file; so I can repack it with the "Gibbed.SaintsRow3.PackSTR2"

If I could do that, all I need to do is recompile it with the .bat file and place it back into the "pc, cache" folder.
There should be a corresponding .exe for repacking textures in the texture utilities. With your saved .dds, old .cvbm and old .gvbm files in the same folder, drag the .cvbm file on to "SR3RepackTextures.exe". Your .dds will still be in the folder, but the .cvbm and .gvbm files should be updated and repacked with your new texture; you can check their modification date just in case. Once those files are updated, remove the .dds from the folder so that it doesn't get packed in with the others. You should then be able to drag and drop the "tattoo_Larm_1" folder with the files you've just updated onto Gibbed.SaintsRow3.PackSTR2. If you can't drag and drop, then a .bat should get the job done. There's a thread somewhere with the info you're looking for, but hopefully this is clear enough. If not, I'll look up that thread.