Replacing Cars

Quite some time ago I decided that I wanted to mod my game
in a way that made all the enemy gang boss's cars show up at
their respective hideouts and I did so. However the way I
had to do it was less than perfect.

I basically opened up the xtbls for all of the boss cars
and set the parking weight for all of the entries except
for the boss variant to 0. They could still be seen driving
but they wouldn't spawn in a parking space.

After doing that I sat the boss's variant of the vehicle's
parkingweight to 100 which made it the only vehicle to
spawn parked. I added parking space info in front of the
hideouts. Meat Packing Plant for Samedi, Tohoku Hotel for Ronin
and their clubhouse for Brotherhood. Dane was of course the
Ultor building.

I kept it this way for a while but I was never really satisfied
with the way I had to do it. Meanwhile at some point I read a
tutorial by Foam Cup that talked about adding new vehicles to
Saint's Row 2. After thinking about it a while I thought if you
can add vehicles, then you must be able to replace others.

That is what this is about.

Note: This will change the Ethel to the Jyunichi variant of the Zircon
but it does not alter the original Zircon vehicle in any way.

Find a vehicle that you don't like the looks of. For me
that is the Ethel.

(courtesy -SeaBoundSaint-)

According to our list the Ethel is CAR_4DR_CLASSIC02
and for the purposes of this tutorial I will replace it with the
Jyunichi variant of the Zircon. (CAR_4DR_STANDARD02)

So first we have to gather all the files:
(You will need ThomasJepp tools to unpack these.
See tools section below)

1. CAR_4DR_standard02.car_pc (meshes.vpp_pc)
2. CAR_4DR_standard02.g_car_pc (meshes.vpp_pc)
3. CAR_4DR_standard02.peg_pc (pegs.vpp_pc)
4. CAR_4DR_standard02.g_peg_pc (textures.vpp_pc)
5. CAR_4DR_standard02.xtbl (common.vpp_pc)
6. CAR_4DR_standard02_cust.xtbl (common.vpp_pc)
7. CAR_4DR_standard02_veh.xtbl (common.vpp_pc)

You will also need Masamaru's vehicle cruncher frontend
as well as the vehicle cruncher itself. (Link in tool section)

The files listed above are for the Zircon. What we are going to do
is remove all of the car variants except for the Jyunichi variant
from the CAR_4DR_standard02.xtbl and then we are going to make one
small change to all of the xtbl files.

Near the very top of all three xtbl files you will find the
<Name>car_4dr_standard02</Name> line. Since we are
replacing the Ethel with this car we need to replace the name
it should look like this: <Name>car_4dr_classic02</Name>. Save your files.

The next part of the mod is optional:

The CAR_4DR_standard02_cust.xtbl is the file that contains all of buyable components
there is a third decal listed in the file that is not listed in the Rim Jobs/Semi Broken
menu by default. We are going to change that.

Open CAR_4DR_standard02_cust.xtbl in a text editor and search for decal 3
Here is the entry:

          <Name>Decal 3</Name>
              <Name>Ronin Side 1</Name>
                  <Material_list>Body_1, Body_2, Body_1a</Material_list>
                  <Material_list>Body_1, Body_2, Body_1a</Material_list>

Find the <Buyable>no</Buyable> line There are two instances of it.
They should both be changed to yes.

You do not need to alter the _veh file in any way unless you want to
change the vehicle name. If you do change the vehicle name make sure to
put a copy of the altered file in your mod directory so that it can be added
to the patch.

The next thing to do is rename all of the files. They should be named:

1. CAR_4DR_classic02.car_pc
2. CAR_4DR_classic02.g_car_pc
3. CAR_4DR_classic02.peg_pc
4. CAR_4DR_classic02.g_peg_pc
5. CAR_4DR_classic02.xtbl
6. CAR_4DR_classic02_cust.xtbl
7. CAR_4DR_classic02_veh.xtbl

Crunch your CAR_4DR_classic02.xtbl and CAR_4DR_classic02_cust.xtbl
and move the cvtf file that gets created to your mods directory.

You are basically done, but I want to make a couple of notes.

You can change decals 2 and 3. for some reason decal 1 cannot be removed.
Decal 2 will replace it tho.

Do not change the names of anything inside the peg files. Doing so
will make your vehicle not spawn. You should only change the peg file names themselves.

It should go without saying that the Ethel will disappear completely from the game, but
because we renamed the files for the replaced car to the same name that the Ethel originally
used there will be no issues with that.

If you forget to change the mesh file names (1 and 2 in list) then the mod will not work correctly.
You will have an untextured roofless Ethel instead of a Zircon.

Having two different in game cars named Zircon is not going to cause any issues.

Masumaru Vehicle Cruncher Front End (you can get the vehicle cruncher on the same page)

I am including the converted files for study purposes.


  • Ethel Changed To Zircon Gyunichi
    738 KB · Views: 22
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Hm, I wonder if this is the first step to get Saints Row 1 vehicles into Saints Row 2. There are a lot of really cool cars like the modern Venom, Fer De Lance, Traxx Master that didn't get to appear in future games. Hope that there will be more development to this.
I'm really not well versed in anything SR1 related but I welcome anyone to take any work I've done and build on it in
some way, assuming that it doesn't break any forum rules.

So if it's okay to transfer the assets between games now and someone else wants to do so then I say "Go for it!"
I'd love to see the results.
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The next part of the mod is optional:

The CAR_4DR_standard02_cust.xtbl is the file that contains all of buyable components
there is a third decal listed in the file that is not listed in the Rim Jobs/Semi Broken
menu by default. We are going to change that.

Open CAR_4DR_standard02_cust.xtbl in a text editor and search for decal 3
Here is the entry:

Find the <Buyable>no</Buyable> line There are two instances of it.
They should both be changed to yes.
This is cool! Is this how one would go about making all unobtainable vehicle parts able to be applied in Rim Jobs? So one could take a stock Phoenix and make it look like Jessica's, something like that
Yes. Setting the decals for Jessica's car to be buyable would be easy enough. In fact most, if not all, of the unobtainable vehicle parts should be able to be made
buyable. The one modding the file would just have to make sure that the no customization flag was removed from any vehicle that has it. Like the Hounfor for example.