Request: Change animation to sword

hy, i thinking about to change the deckers sword animation to the morph moster using animation, its gonna be great to handle a sword like that and using it^^
that would be awesone. i have no idea how to change it, but the animation is already in the game, and the player is using it already in the fight. i hope someone is able to do it =)
That should be doable if the ability to assign different moves to different units is available like in torchlight.
hy, i thinking about to change the deckers sword animation to the morph moster using animation, its gonna be great to handle a sword like that and using it^^
I like your idea very much :)
there is ways to change it but idk if idolninja can find that out yet (hopefully he do)
I only figured out how to AK club or pistol whip
sry mate (its replaced for nut punch)
try replacing the nut punch and change the animation
well there's your answer.