Request: Infinite gang operations


I always find it fun to come across a gang operation in SRTT and think of the most over-kill way to destroy them. Like driving a truck off a building and landing it on top of them.

But the gang operations are gone forever after being defeated, and only return if I load an old save.

My request is that there be a mod that stops them from disappearing. So I could stop a gang operation, And that very same one will re-appear if I re-load the game or that save. Basically, they won't leave.

Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
May I suggest you repost this question on the " Ask Violition forum " I think it 's been asked before and it just wasn't possible at the time. I totally agree with your request because it would make the freeplay game much more interesting.
e="xQd, post: 22122, member: 1174"]The gang operations are part of the save game file and I doubt anyone will accomplish this.[/quote]

The good people from Violition are onboard now, so I'm going to keep hope alive.