Not sure this type of question is allowed here, but here goes. 
I have been experiencing an annoying problem (long before I even dared install a mod). Which is, that my respect counter (in SR3) just stopped counting, at some point. Af first I thought the game just stops counting respect points above a certain respect level; so, I lowered my respect level artificially (with save game editor); and, lo and behold, respect points starting counting again!
Until, a few days back, it stopped counting again. And, this time, resetting it to lower was to no avail. So, now I'm confused again.
So, does anyone knows what's causing it?

I have been experiencing an annoying problem (long before I even dared install a mod). Which is, that my respect counter (in SR3) just stopped counting, at some point. Af first I thought the game just stops counting respect points above a certain respect level; so, I lowered my respect level artificially (with save game editor); and, lo and behold, respect points starting counting again!
Until, a few days back, it stopped counting again. And, this time, resetting it to lower was to no avail. So, now I'm confused again.
So, does anyone knows what's causing it?