Saints Row 1 in Unreal Engine?

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Right, I have been looking into converting/updating saints row 1 into a modern engine (unreal 4 since it is now free) but the main problem is getting the levels/map into some sort of 3d format. Is there a way to do this?
Right, I have been looking into converting/updating saints row 1 into a modern engine (unreal 4 since it is now free) but the main problem is getting the levels/map into some sort of 3d format. Is there a way to do this?
Maybe there is, but it will take millions of years, thousands of deaths and you may not like what you shall find at the end..........
Take screenshots..if that's even possible, perhaps using a camera to take screencaps might work. Include the map as well.
Then create the buildings/structures/vehicles/characters by hand in a 3d modelling program using the pictures as references.
Import into the Unreal engine.
Arrange as desired. The map would come in handy here.
Create the code.
Who would honestly?
A team of indie devs, come on...
The thing i most hate on modding communities is, people who request for hard to near impossible mods, but lets not judge them bad, they probably do not understand what is or not possible for modders to do on a certain engine, me for example, i am reskinning a certain SRIV suit for about three months
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