Saints Row 2 Graphics mods? and the roleplay mod

do a graphic mod exists? i saw one in this forum but the creator was stupid and got banned ( so i guess this mod is in the trash can, it would be cool if there´s a mod for changing the game to make it more alive and less "cold" like the original one...

and i´m the Co-Creator of a Roleplay community named ORC- Original Roleplay Company, that means no bullshit (mages, ogres, knights, magic powers) its roleplay at its original meaning that actually means Playing or pretending that you are someone and not those RPG´s with magical things and :mad: those things make me feel The Hate...

so we are planing to bring our O.R.C community to Saints row 2 (we are already on Saints Row 3 and Saints Row IV) because it have a multiplayer mode, my objective is to mod the multiplayer mode and make it a "free mode", no objectives and in the open world Stillwater not those arenas. It will be more like a COOP Mode for more than 5 people so we, the O.R.Cs are going to be able to roleplay it in our events schelude (last week was the Mafia event where people got "enlisted" to play with other interested in SR3 roleplaying
we call them ORCjets) i hope someone help me doing this :cool:.

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There are some SweetFX settings for SR2 and GoTR also has some graphic tweaks. You can also always try insert an ENB in Saints Row 2 and tweak it.
Oh god. I dont even want to imagine the performance with a graphics mod since the performance is atrocious before it

I'm pretty sure there isn't really a difference since the performance is bad because how the world is being loaded and not by the graphics themselves.
Is there any other things to be done? like extra particles, effects or even grass or something? Personally even with the GOTR fixes (and sweetfx although I don't use it) it doesn't really change the feel of the game, it still feels kinda empty. It should kinda feel more like SR:TT which felt better imho
I have tried to make the HD texture of weeds. What do you think?

HD texture image

vanilla image
It works stable in my PC.
But texture resolution is up to 512x512.
Building disappears when riding in the heli with more than that resolusion.
I'm currently working replacement texture of the ground.