Saints Row (2006) - Beating Snatch (Easy Method)

Hello, Saints and sinners!

Just a quick guide for today. The Snatch activity in the first Saints Row game is pretty notorious for its difficulty spikes, and comes with some blinged-out rewards for those who are able to overcome this challenge. Here's a quick video of mine where I show you both legitimate and illegitimate means of beating all instances of the Snatch activity in this game.

Here are some extra notes that can be found in the description of this video. I've included them here so you don't have to click over to YouTube to seek further info on this. I've included these parts below in bold text.

Beating all four instances of Snatch in this game will give you the Pimp Cane, amongst a few other rewards unlocked along the way.

One can also dial 555-455-8008 (as shown in the video) rather than 455-8008 to call a taxi via the in-game phone menu. The subtitles at the time when I touch on this don't exactly coincide with the number that I had typed into the in-game phone menu, which isn't really an issue. Either of these numbers should get you what you need.

Glitching a taxi into an invincible state must be repeated on a different taxi if you fail a mission and restart it. This is because restarting a mission reverts the effects of this glitch. Quitting an activity and restarting it from the last completed level will not revert the effects of this glitch. This glitch can only be done when you're not on a mission or playing an activity. The only ways to destroy a Taxi in this glitched state is to either submerge it in water or tip it over (the latter causes it to catch fire and explode after a few seconds). Getting kicked out of the Taxi while first performing this glitch on that individual Taxi is normal; this is where the game gets confused and keeps it in its glitched (invincible) state.

If one is not fond of using glitches, an FBI SUV would suffice (gained via maxing out your Police notoriety level) as a substitute for completing the Snatch activity, as long as one find the time between levels to repair their vehicle via the nearest Rim Jobs.

Neither of the aforementioned vehicles would be necessary for completing the instance of Snatch that can be found in the Saint's Row district (this unlocks Will as a homie and is a tutorial activity).

I had the in-game voices volume turned all the way down for the most part when recording this video. I didn't want to hear "you can't hit me, I was the homecoming queen" for the 45th time whenever I turned a corner in a vehicle.

I've included this all here to help anyone out who may be stuck on this activity. I'm certain that I'll post more like this on this site, too.

Happy hunting!

Yours, Jacob. xx