Saints Row 4 Mission Bypasser

Since I'm having heaps on problems completing Zero Cool I think to rescue Matt Miller, and thats because of a loading error, anyways. I'd like to see a mission bypasser so I can bypass that mission to get past it.

Thank you!
Are you running the Steam version of the Game?
The loading error, well it just keeps on loading forever and ever.

Arglaar, I am running a legal version of Saints Row IV on steam on my Windows 7 Home Premium Laptop.

The loading error, well it just keeps on loading forever and ever.
Well it's not really an error, it just doesnt stop :3
Last edited by a moderator:
  1. What type of video does that laptop have? It might not be supported.
  2. Some people have experienced similar issues with infinite loading screens bases on the weapon skins they have loaded. Try setting your weapons back to default skins.
  3. Please do not double-post. The edit button is there for a reason.
Thanks for all of the help guys! And thanks Anglaar, I wont double post anymore :)

I have also now finished the mission and its all good :_