saints row IV melee killing animation on Sainrs row the third

like the title says, i really love those crazy killing melee moves on saints row IV, but dont like saints row IV generaly as much as i like the third :)

but i woud love if someone can convert those animation of 4 to 3 if this is any possible it will be real great :)

plannin to completly play the the third on hard core difficulty from beginning again, and farmin some worthy mods to increase the gameplay fun and changes :)
They are called 'Takedowns' I think, I know thats not much help but people might not know what your on about meaning your less likley to find a solution :)

They could prob be ported in quite easy as iv seen people making taunt mods and stuff like that, you would just need both Gibbed and Minimauls tools and then just extract the animations im guessing they would prob be in preload_anim in both SRIV and SRTT then you would just need to edit the table that corospondes to them particular animation sets

I would do it but I have to many projects on go as it is, but ill try and keep updating this post with any info I can that will help, and point you in right direction so you can do it your self if needed :D
thx already alot :D

i managed to extract the, both SR3 & 4 preload folders but now how to edit the table and replace them...

the only files named according something kill and anim are this

on first id guess, plym means player male as there are plenty, also plyf for female (need someone experienced to confirm first :p)
but on the kill anim are no any female ones as name plyf, now im confused

as im playing a female character, i dont know if the male ones woud be the same

any help will be welcome :)

edit --

i found back on the page the usefull guide to change the sprint attacks by COCOCOlavanilla

this is exactly what iam talking about the sprint attacks

just then again, SR 3 wont have the animation of SR 4, now we need someone to know how to convert or add / replace them of SR4 to SR3 iam totaly non experienced only trying to read guides and try things since hours no luck yet ;p
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