I fixed up the timeline so it makes sense, unlike the official one (lin dies 2 years before carlos? Wtf?) so here it is:
enter the dominatrix
- Boss (19+) joins saints
- Yacht explodes
- Julius disappears
- Troy becomes chief of police
- Ultor rises.
- The Saints fall
- Johnny Gat attempt to murder troy
- Ultor starts construction on Saint's Row district
- Carlos jailed
- Boss wakes up. (22+)
- Dane Vogel assassinated
- Ultor exposed dlc
- Corporate warfare dlc
- Boss dissappears
- Total control
- Saints row: Undercover
- Eric Gryphon takes over ultor
- Saints become celebrities
- Syndicate take over high end district
- Saints rob stilwater bank
- Johnny Gat *cough*dies*cough*
- Boss (24+) takes over steelport
- Gangstas in space movie starts filming
- Saints gate crash Cyrus' terrorist attack
- Gangstas in space releases. Gets ~40% on rotten tomatoes :v
- Boss(29+) runs for president
- Boss kills Zinyak
- The Saints save Christmas
- Gat outta hell
- Saints use time machine/discover planet.
enter the dominatrix