Sandbox+ Breaking Game?

Hey everyone! Firstly, I'd like to compliment all the authors and contributors of this site - the amount of work that's being done is incredible! It really shows that a determined community can accomplish anything. :D

That said, I am not a community by myself, and I'm having some problems. xD I've tried installing Sandbox+ a few times, and every time it seems to break the game - I get the first few screens with the Volition and THQ information, et cetera, but when the game should load the main menu I simply crash to the desktop. I've followed the instructions precisely - as far as I'm aware :P - and am relatively confused at this point.

For a bit of extra information, in case it's needed - I do have Gentlemen of Steelport installed, which works perfectly as far as I can tell. I've also tried installing a few other things, including the character customization and NPC spawn mods. They seem break the game the same way SB+ does. From what I can tell, it's the alteration of two specific files that's killing it - 'misc_tables.vpp_pc' and 'preload_anim.vpp_pc' - and I've come to this conclusion because any mods simply adding .xtbl files work flawlessly. However, the three or four that have broken my game all have in common a change to these files.

I'm wondering if there's a step I missed somewhere, in which case I'm going to feel VERY stupid. Please, take pity on me if that's the case. I swear I know how2game. <3

Sandbox+ and GoS work flawlessly together. Also, it's absolutely not a problem with either vpp_pc archive as those merely preload certain animations and make some animation changes. The problem you're having almost certainly lies with a separate mod you're installing that has the same files that one of the mods in GoS does.

What I would suggest is the following:
1. Delete all modded files from the root of your install. This includes all files with the following extensions:
* .xtbl
NOTE: Optionally you could just delete all files in the root of your SRTT install (leave the subfolders!) Step 2 will replace all the missing files from the root and this way you are 100% sure you got all of them. The download from Steam in step 2 will only be ~80Mb.

2. Verify integrity on Steam to replace all modded archives with vanilla ones

3. Install GoS as loose files (not patch)

4. Install Sandbox+
NOTE: Make sure to replace the existing sr3_city.lua file from GoS (mission replay) with the updated one from Sandbox+. This Sandbox+ version of the file contains all of the mission replay functions as well as the new Sandbox+ ones.

5. Test the game and confirm all is working

6. One by one, attempt to install your other individual mods. As soon as you find the one that tries to overwrite a file in the root, you know that one is the culprit. If you can figure out which file it is I can tell you which mods in GoS use it. At that point you will have to either choose one or the other, or use winmerge and try to merge the two mods together.

You are running the legal Steam version of SRTT, right?
Thanks for the quick response! Yes, I'm running the legal Steam version - got it during Midweek Madness. :P I've deleted the loose files from the root directory, as I didn't see any with the listed extensions but wanted to be safe. Steam is currently verifying and redownloading. The odd thing is that GoS and Sandbox+ were the only two I was trying to run this time. After a clean install, even. I must be doing something incorrectly then. :P
What mods are you choosing with GoS? Perhaps there's something I forgot about that might be causing it.

Also, if you didn't have any files with those extensions then you definitely did not put the Sandbox+ files in the right place when you installed it in the first place. Only some of them go in \cache while the majority go in the root with the exe.

These files from the Sandbox+ should go in the root with the exe. i.e. ..\Steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third\

These files go in..\saints row the third\packfiles\pc\cache\
I must've read a readme incorrectly, somewhere, because it works now. Whatever I did wrong, I can't say, but it was clearly something stupid. xD Thanks so much for the help! :D