Hey everyone! Firstly, I'd like to compliment all the authors and contributors of this site - the amount of work that's being done is incredible! It really shows that a determined community can accomplish anything. 
That said, I am not a community by myself, and I'm having some problems. xD I've tried installing Sandbox+ a few times, and every time it seems to break the game - I get the first few screens with the Volition and THQ information, et cetera, but when the game should load the main menu I simply crash to the desktop. I've followed the instructions precisely - as far as I'm aware
- and am relatively confused at this point.
For a bit of extra information, in case it's needed - I do have Gentlemen of Steelport installed, which works perfectly as far as I can tell. I've also tried installing a few other things, including the character customization and NPC spawn mods. They seem break the game the same way SB+ does. From what I can tell, it's the alteration of two specific files that's killing it - 'misc_tables.vpp_pc' and 'preload_anim.vpp_pc' - and I've come to this conclusion because any mods simply adding .xtbl files work flawlessly. However, the three or four that have broken my game all have in common a change to these files.
I'm wondering if there's a step I missed somewhere, in which case I'm going to feel VERY stupid. Please, take pity on me if that's the case. I swear I know how2game. <3

That said, I am not a community by myself, and I'm having some problems. xD I've tried installing Sandbox+ a few times, and every time it seems to break the game - I get the first few screens with the Volition and THQ information, et cetera, but when the game should load the main menu I simply crash to the desktop. I've followed the instructions precisely - as far as I'm aware

For a bit of extra information, in case it's needed - I do have Gentlemen of Steelport installed, which works perfectly as far as I can tell. I've also tried installing a few other things, including the character customization and NPC spawn mods. They seem break the game the same way SB+ does. From what I can tell, it's the alteration of two specific files that's killing it - 'misc_tables.vpp_pc' and 'preload_anim.vpp_pc' - and I've come to this conclusion because any mods simply adding .xtbl files work flawlessly. However, the three or four that have broken my game all have in common a change to these files.
I'm wondering if there's a step I missed somewhere, in which case I'm going to feel VERY stupid. Please, take pity on me if that's the case. I swear I know how2game. <3