Save Corruption?

Can fiddlin diddlin' with mods cause a save corruption like in SR2?

Also on a slightly unrelated note, If I have a bunch of mods installed will verifying the game cache with Steam delete it? As if it were a clean install of the game?
It's way too early to tell what's going to happen to save files. Also, verifying cache will not delete mods since they are all new files in the root of the game's install. You'll need to manually delete any .vpp_pc, .lua, .str2_pc, and .asm_pc files from your install folder where the sr3 exe is if you want to remove them.
Oh, don't delete launcher.vpp_pc. That's one of the vanilla files.
Ok, thanks a ton.

One last question though, what happens if two mods require the same file? In my case particularly, vint_doc_containers.asm_pc? Will replacing it make the other mod not work anymore?

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