Save Game Name

Is it possible to change them so I can tell my files apart >.>;

If it is possible, could you give me some pointers?



P.S first post =D
TO do that in game, highly doubtful any modder can manage that as it would require hard code alterations
to the game. I'm not fully qualified to make that statement, maybe I'll be corrected.

That said, glad you posted it reminded to to make the effort to find the save file directory and
make a backup archive using 7zip. Cheesuse, can they make finding screenshots and save files more arcane? (sarcasm alert)
\ EDIT. For the record, I install steam games on my storage raid array. R:
Cripes. What a bunch of asshats.

I suppose all one could do in the meantime, if you want to keep a record that is human readable, is
backup that directory and fire up the game in windowed mode so you could edit a text file with notes
on what file is what.
OR rename them by adding to the current name string with text desriptive of what you want to know for future loads.
Then just rename and copy after making yet another backup of your then current save directory.

What a mess.
I know games like Skyrim and Fallout suffer from the same idiocy and if I recall some generous geniuis in the communtiy
of modders had made a GUI interface to manage the files for easy tracking and copying/ deleteing.

I never tried those mods though cause I came up with my own 'system' but it is manual ans slow based like my recommendation.
However i have full control and not subject to bugs other than me maybe being drunk while at the keyboard.
Thank you Uzi for replying so quickly. When I get some time, I think I will try to make a program to keep the info of them (basically just automate the manual method you said (like I think you mentioned))

Thank you for confirming what I thought ^^;


P.S I am rather an inexperienced programmer, so this may not end well XD