Save Multiple Player Characters you made

Player character creation could take some time especialy if one is adjusting the facial structures ( eyes, cheekbones, mouth, etc. ).

I made my player character look like my wife.:D

It took about an hour working on the face ( it would have taken less time if the 3D model/mesh would stay still and stop turning it's head ).

Is there a way to suspend the animation movements in the IAD ( Image As Designed ) interface while working on the face ?

It would be good that after all that work, you could simply have an option like "Save Player Character" and then you could name it
like Gina-1 and then it would be saved in a Player Character Gallery or something.

Then you could choose one of the Player Characters you created.
There's already a similar feature to what you're asking, uploading characters to Unfortunately though, you can only upload 10 characters, DO NOT UPLOAD CHARACTERS WITH A CUSTOMIZATION MOD, I don't know what would happen, but I have seen warnings around this site, someone else might be able to give you a better answer, but I repeat, DO NOT UPLOAD CHARACTERS WITH A CUSTOMIZATION MOD.
Well, with GoS installed it won't actually let you upload.

But uploading to _does_ work, and even produces an accurate screenshot. The problem is, when other players download it, they won't get what you see - they'll get a hideously broken version.

That's why -V- asked us to disable the upload in our customisation mods (so we did).
What data and by what mean is it transfered?
In Image as Designed, you enter the "Character Gallery" menu at the bottom. It communicates with THQ's servers, where you need an account. I don't know exactly what is transferred, but as with most mods, if the person downloading it doesn't have the mods you used, they'll be out of luck. That's why the community site is not suitable for everyone's needs.

Hmm. Exporting and importing character customization. It should be possible. I might look at it later.
We know where the character appearance data is, and you can -- apparently without side effects -- transfer it from one save to another. It kind of feels like a waste to write a whole program just to do that one thing, though. How about this: The data you want is from 0x900 to 0x2B53, inclusive. You can use a hex editor to copy this data into a new file, and later paste it over the top of what's already there in any save. You'll have to go to Image as Designed to change the voice, though.
yeah, i read the thread talking about it. I just wish i could make some custom homies...
Thanks Corrodias for sheding some light on this subject.:)

We know where the character appearance data is.
Where exactly is the character appearance data located ?:confused:

It kind of feels like a waste to write a whole program just to do that one thing.

There may be more than that one thing.
1- It would extract the data and store it in it's own separate named directory/folder that it would create upon the user entering a name for the data to be stored.

2- It would also be able to list all your saved player characters in their respective directories.

3- It can then load the character of your choice via hex code enabled read/write internally incorperated within overwriting the existing data with the new player data of your choice from one of your stored player info folders.

It would be a good player character switcher for the many people that cannot shpeek Hexoneese.:p
( Those not fluent in Hex ) It would be very simple to use for the very many players that play with more than one character.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
( You must know who said this line, in what movie and where he said it and to whom he said it to. )

Would it be very difficult to write a program that can extract the player data and store it in a seperate folder then retrieve it?

Since most players are using mods and since uploading a modded player character is a no no,
it would be very beneficial to a lot of players to be able to create multiple characters and then have them stored in their PC.
This would enable them to store as many modded characters as they like.
Most likely these modded characters would be used for local game play modes and not online coop.

Here's how it could work.
You go into the Image As Designed store and create a new character.( or use the one you now have )
Then you save the game and exit/close the game.

Create a new folder somewhere on the same drive that the game is installed on. ( usually the C drive by default ) where you want the saved files to go. ( a store folder )

Now you start up the "Character Store and Retreive" program.
In the program's set folders settings, type in the name and location of your store folder. ( for example; C/SaintsRowStuff/MyPlayers )
( this is where the player data will be copied to. )

If your game is installed in a location other than default, type it into the "game files location" folders settings.
*by default, the program is set to the default installation location of SRTT -
C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\saints row the third
Now that the program knows where to get the files and where to store them.
Now press the "Save Character" key.
Then it will ask you, "save character as" ?
Type in a name for the character to be saved as ( Gina_1 .... my wife lol)
The program now creates a folder within the save directory and copies all the player data into it.
That's it, all done.
The character data is now stored in it's own folder called Gina_1 .

You can now go back into the game and create another character and have that one stored just like the first.

Now for example let's say that Gina is on da rag and you don't want to play with her. lol
Well, just fire up the CSR ( the "Character Store and Retreive" program ) and press the
"select player character" key.
It will display a list of all the characters you created and have stored in your save folder or you may just have to type it in.
Select one of your stored characters from the list or type the name into the
retreive player box or command promt thingy.
Hit the change now or "OK" key and the CSR will load the data into the proper place
( probably overwriting the previous player data ).
Now fire up SRTT and play with the character you have just chosen.:cool:

I think that if someone was to create this program, he or she would be a true hero of SteelPort.:p

And go down in history as the founder of CSI SteelPort ( Character Selection Interface ):cool:
Thanks Corrodias for sheding some light on this subject.:)
Where exactly is the character appearance data located ?:confused:
That's what "0x900 to 0x2B53, inclusive" is.

But that's not important now. I didn't come back to this thread to mention this, but the current version of the save editor implements exporting and importing of appearance. It doesn't work exactly as you've described, but it does the job.