Shaundi - Last Mission

Hello people, I've completed Saint's Row: The Third as you all have yourselves, and I wanted to roll with Shaundi. B1** hung up on me, like 7 times! And I kept calling and calling, no answer - then I thought, maybe she thinks I'm a dick, and just don't wan't to answer, or maybe it's because when you load your save, it doesn't save from the actual moment where you've saved her when you had the option between kicking Killbane's ass or saving Shaundi and the reputation of The Saints. So basicly, it's stuck right there - Shaundi is kidnapped. Or maybe she just thinks I'm an ass, as she said in the beginning where I dropped her in the air, and blasted my way through a windshield.
So gentlemen, and ladies - what on Earth do I do? No - I'm not sending her flowers, I'm sending a STAG team if she doesn't pick up that *Pretty sure swearing isn't allowed* phone!
(Like, could anybody script a quick code that allows her to be my homie, even though she's kidnapped in a mission?) Thanks in advance.
You clearly have a lot to learn about this game. In my game, in order to call up anybody from my phonebook, I had to do the finale mission twice, and complete both endings. Only then would I still be able to call anyone in my cellphone. You see even though both endings are optional and can be done within any order of each other, its the ending in which Shaundi, Viola and Mayor Burt Reynolds survive which adds to the canon. Speaking of which, if you completed the ending with Killbane first, you could even send a STAG team WITH flowers, it won't make a difference cause she's dead. So complete the other ending, and everything goes back to normal.
This thread is over 2 years old and he got banned 2 years ago.