Skeleton Mask Retexture: Deadpool

I think this would be a relatively simple mod, but unpacking the texture files is a bit out of the range of my abilities. The new Skeleton Mask in SR4 could easily be retextured to be a Deadpool mask. It's the perfect shape.


Can someone do this, or even just send me the DDS file and I can edit it myself?
There have been so many awful attempts at making a Deadpool for Saints Row, and now there's the Nolan North voice option.... This needs to be a thing!


Thanks for looking! -Konrann
Agreed. I saw that there was a Nolan North option and immediately came here to get this mod (that I was sure HAD to exist). Sad face :(. I can texture mod it myself, but I'm new to Saints Row modding, and the tutorials aren't very clear about converting to .dds and back to place it in the game...
Agreed. I saw that there was a Nolan North option and immediately came here to get this mod (that I was sure HAD to exist). Sad face :(. I can texture mod it myself, but I'm new to Saints Row modding, and the tutorials aren't very clear about converting to .dds and back to place it in the game...
This may be of use to you.
You'll just need to apply the SR4 tools to the process which can be found here:
I've been working on this myself since I really want it to happen, but I've been getting some errors updating my asm file. I'll happily share my results if I ever get through this mess!