Song Guide for Saints Row IV?

Remember in SRTT how we needed the numbers of the songs (ex: radio_k12_media_00001.wav) to be translated into what the names of the songs were? Could we have that? I'm trying to use the method for creating custom radio stations in The Third for Saints Row IV, and so far this is the only snag since everything else is working beautifully :p So... may we have that list?


I've been trying to use fancy math to try and determine which songs are which myself, but the hexadecimal lengths in the txts don't match the lengths in the radio code. And I've been trying to do some conversions on filesize, and I THINK I matched two of them, but my math seems pretty off so I'm not sure...

For K12:
00010 - Prophecies - Alex Metric
00000 - Apashe - Eat My Apple

I wasn't able to guess any more because I thought my math was be too off
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