Some sounds are quiet (guns, cars)
explanation: This is usually related to surround sound audio. It's not because audio doesn't come out of the center speaker - that's by design - but rather just because the sounds really are quieter than they should be.
"Oddly enough, when I switched it to a normal quality... the sound was only coming out of my right speaker. The gun sounds were still qiuet too." -- Live2Brightous
"Not only gun sounds are low but car and foot steps as well are very low. I am running optical cabel to a 5.1 rcvr from the Real tek sound on my mb." -- Kottenr
"I Use win 7 ultimate and have a normal stero headphone" --
thread link
solution: No solid solution is known at this time. Volition's sound testing team is investigating. Some variations of this bug can be worked around by setting your audio output to stereo, 2.0/2.1 in Windows. There's no setting for audio output in the game.
Some voices are very quiet in cutscenes
Same as above.