sound of silence in cutscenes

I apologise if this has come up somewhere in the past, but the search didn't turn up anything on the matter.

The voicovers are next to mute in cutscenes although I run voices at 100 percent. That only happens with cutscenes. The rest of the dialogue is perfectly understandable.
This is what my faq thread says. Unfortunately, i have no idea whether this was eventually fixed, nor a workaround that is 100% reliable. This information came from the forums in the month or so after release.

Some sounds are quiet (guns, cars)
explanation: This is usually related to surround sound audio. It's not because audio doesn't come out of the center speaker - that's by design - but rather just because the sounds really are quieter than they should be.
quote: "Oddly enough, when I switched it to a normal quality... the sound was only coming out of my right speaker. The gun sounds were still qiuet too." -- Live2Brightous
quote: "Not only gun sounds are low but car and foot steps as well are very low. I am running optical cabel to a 5.1 rcvr from the Real tek sound on my mb." -- Kottenr
quote: "I Use win 7 ultimate and have a normal stero headphone" -- thread link
solution: No solid solution is known at this time. Volition's sound testing team is investigating. Some variations of this bug can be worked around by setting your audio output to stereo, 2.0/2.1 in Windows. There's no setting for audio output in the game.

Some voices are very quiet in cutscenes
Same as above.
Thanks for your reply. I already read your very useful FAQ before posting, but in my case the sound is already down to stereo Yet the problem still exists.

Edit: Turned out, my onboard soundcard installed a number of enhancers which needed to be turned to 16 bit stereo seperately. The sound settings alone didn't do the job. Maybe this helps people who are still searching for an answer to the problem.