SOLVED SR2 Crashing on startup

So i bought SR2 on steam 2 hours ago, and i knew all about the powertool and GOTR. I put in a custom patch, but when i start up SR2 its just a white screen with a notification saying ''Create adevice failed'' or something along those lines. So i deleted the patch and put in the vanilla patch. But it still happens. I veryfied the files and re-did the custom patch but it still happens. Any help, please? I really wanna paly
So i bought SR2 on steam 2 hours ago, and i knew all about the powertool and GOTR. I put in a custom patch, but when i start up SR2 its just a white screen with a notification saying ''Create adevice failed'' or something along those lines. So i deleted the patch and put in the vanilla patch. But it still happens. I veryfied the files and re-did the custom patch but it still happens. Any help, please? I really wanna paly
Need to update your graphics driver. If it's an on-board graphics card then you're out of luck, SR2 runs very poorly on onboard graphics.