SR3 Homies Mod

Hi everyone, I don't know where to post this but since it's "Get Help/Troubleshooting" I hope to get some help on modding SR3...

1. Is there a way to make the Saints Backup from the phone to bring more than just 1 vehicle?
2. I've looked in most of the files, but where can I find the music for "We're going to need Guns" mission (When defending Pierce and the bomb in a chopper)?
3. Will it be a problem if I modded the "customization_default_items.xtbl" ?

I guess that's all of the questions for the time...
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I don't know the answer on the first two, but I think in the case of item 1 if it was doable some one may have done it by now.

On item 3.
Not sure what your asking but if your asking if it is 'okay' to mod someone elses mod. Yes, of course it is okay to do so.
The one area you would run into problems, on this forum, is if you were to post said re-mod of a mod without permission from the prior author.
I know IdolNinja has strict rules on this and that is about the only issue you would have on such a matter. Insta ban meat if violated.
So, alter away just don't try to claim it was yours alone if you find something neat when ya publish it here.

Don't do like I do though, and fail to keep detailed notes on what you changed in someones mod or default source, so then you forget what the hell you did 3 months later. I have that bad habit. HAHA. damn. Notes are good.
Ok, thanks for the answers.
As for question 3, I'm using the original "customization_default_items.xtbl" that I extract from "misc_tables.vpp_pc", and I've made a few changes to the original Hispanic character so he wear the STAG outfit we get from choosing to pursue Killbane.
Will it cause some sort of malfunction/problem to any DLCs or the Main story line?

I've completed the game with only playing the missions from the phone menu (DLCs and Main Story line), and so far I've got no problem or errors.
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