SR3: Is there an easy way to change Weapon Sound?

First of all, I've searched the forum for everything related to changing audio file in Saint's Row the Third (SR3).
I've changed some of the weapon shooting sound so it's not about how to change audio tutorial etc. Currently trying to change Krukov-8 shooting sound with a laser audio that I have.
(Currently missing 1 or maybe 2 to 3 audio files)
I've been looking for an easier way to do it, but stuck for the time.
I found this on weapons.xtbl
<Description>Audio attributes for this weapon.</Description>
<Display_Name>Audio Weapon Model</Display_Name>
<Description>Weapon Model switch defined in Wwise.</Description>
I've looked on audio_syncs.xtbl about it, and found this
The question:
1. Is there an easy way to find out which files are in use by the weapon?
2. The one I found on Weapons.Xtbl & Audio_Sync.xtbl, is it possible to trace it for an easier way to replace weapon sounds?

Thank you for the time, and for those who is wondering where is the Rifle-Gang (Krukov-8) audio files, it's located on "weapons_cache_media.bnk_pc" and NOT in "wep_rifle_gang_media.bnk_pc"
I've tried to change the audio I found on "wep_rifle_gang_media.bnk_pc" but I don't heard any change on the game.