SR4: Custom Superpowers?

Is there a possibility for the SDK (once released) to eventually include the ability to create custom superpowers? Because if there is, then that would be awesome.
I was thinking about this as well, I think based off of what I've seen, it might be that you can't add actual new active superpowers (There's only 4 slots and no way to switch out what's in each slot, I think, unless a DLC changes that)

You might be able to add new superpower elements, though?

I'll second this question as it's something I've been mulling over myself to be honest.
Adding another slot would be as simple as changing the UI and a table file value (probably, anyway) as long as that UI is handled by Lua. I can't confirm any of this for sure, but Sr4 has it's own Superpowers.vpp_pc packfile, so once the extraction tools are released, ripping that apart and finding it's inner workings is a good place to start. The extraction tools will go live at the game's release.
I can't confirm any of this for sure, but Sr4 has it's own Superpowers.vpp_pc packfile, so once the extraction tools are released, ripping that apart and finding it's inner workings is a good place to start.
I'm still going to cling on to that statement and falsely blame you if there isn't a packfile for the superpowers. :D
I want to make superpowers based on the player character's own health, if you use it too much, your health drops. But you can use your victims to restore it.
I'm still going to cling on to that statement and falsely blame you if there isn't a packfile for the superpowers. :D
I want to make superpowers based on the player character's own health, if you use it too much, your health drops. But you can use your victims to restore it.
There is a superpowers packfile unless they have changed it, which I doubt. I doubt, however, that the code for said superpowers is in the package unless they did it in lua. There's a good change there's a superpowers equivalent of weapons.xtbl for tweaking purposes.
superpowers.vpp_pc just contains vfx for the superpowers.

There are some superpower related tables in misc_tables but I don't think they'll allow you to make expansive changes.
I would hope more for tweaking the super powers through tables. This is all hard coded at 4 and I don't see that changing without source.
Does that mean that the number of powers is protected/private or you used a literal 4 in all the code pertaining to the limit of powers?
That is usually how we do it. We size arrays and things in code to a static amount so we can track memory usage. I haven't looked here, but I would be shocked if it could go over 4.
That is usually how we do it. We size arrays and things in code to a static amount so we can track memory usage. I haven't looked here, but I would be shocked if it could go over 4.

Seems like a good choice from an overall design perspective. Personally when I design things I make them very flexible but you have to work with a limited number of assets so making a firm decision on the limits is a good idea :{P