SRTT male Morningstar outfit

I'm not sure if this is a thing yet (i'm relatively new to this site) but basically the male suit the morningstar wore on SR3 was never available to the player, if my memory serves correctly (I was playing on PS3). Considering it was one of the few suits that actually had tie physics, it looked re4ally cool but i was always bummed out i never got to wear it.

Now i've seen that the morning star appear in SR4, along with modified versions of their outfits. but these outfits still are not available to the player! i've had a looked at the majority of clothing mods but no one seems to have modded the outfit from either the 3rd or the 4th to be available.

TL;DR: male morningstar clothing. is it already a thing or can someone mod it in?

(shitty image for reference)

Thanks for reading!