Star Wars "Style" Weapons

Now, I'm not sure how much is possible so far with modding, or adding new assets. However this is something I've wanted for awhile. The thing that got me started on the idea should be sort of obvious, the Han Solo pistol skin.

If adding new assets isn't possible, then at least creating the feel of the weapons should still be so. Just making a laser gun isn't exactly what I mean by Star Wars "Style". It's just slightly more complex than that.

There is a quick example of Star Wars weapons in use, in a show which I think represented the technology best in Star Wars. Note how the weapons work. They're not shooting lasers, per say. They're actually "bolts" of energy. They travel at a visible speed and each projectile has a visible shape during travel. Then depending what they hit, they'll either burn a big hole in it, or detonate into a bunch of sparks. This is essentially what I'm hoping for. Strong projectile (as in NOT hitscan) weapons, perhaps using small rocket type projectiles with no blast radius, to simulate the "feel" of Star Wars battles like above.

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I think it would be pretty epic having a big war with the police aliens and such with these types of weapons. And even further, if it were at all possible, making each of these weapons so you can change the color of the bolts they fire in the skin menu, would be pretty great.
I think there wouldn't be anything other than skins until the SDK is released
Stumbled on something that works surprisingly well for this while working on another project: switching the "Oppressor" weapon costume from the murderbot minigun to the Eviscerator.

Since it overrides the knives with the laser bolt projectiles, you still have the tactile 'feel' of the knife projectiles, but in laser form. Maybe not perfect, but something to try out for that clone-trooper gatling feel - just change the <Weapon_Entry> in dlc5_weapon_costumes.xtbl from Murderbot_Mini-Unlockable to Rifle-GatV.

Assuming you have both required DLCs of course.
I have all the DLC, but from what I recall, isn't the knife launcher technically hitscan? I'm in the long long process of redownloading the game, so I can't immediately verify, but I seem to remember being disappointed in the weapon for that reason, because it was still hitscan despite not really seeming to be.

Is there an easy way to make say, a regular pistol/rifle shoot a rocket instead of a bullet? And then from there, is it possible to configure that rocket to be a different size, speed, and radius? Then, to top it all off, is it possible to replace the rocket model itself when fired, with that of a laser, after all the other stuff has been done?
Assuming I'm reading it right, it's a hitscan weapon yes. The RPG has a <Projectile_Info></Projectile_Info> set of flags that most of the other weapons seem to lack, while the miniguns and most of the similar weapons have their visual effects defined in the weapon_costumes under <Tracer_Info>. <Projectile_Info> does include things like what you're asking about - here's one of them as a sample:

                    <Flag>has light attached</Flag>
                    <Flag>rocket flight</Flag>
                    <Flag>use bullet collision quality</Flag>
                    <Flag>dont detonate from explosion</Flag>
                    <Flag>orient projectile to velocity</Flag>
                    <Flag>swervy rockets</Flag>

As for your question... that I have no idea. The projectile model info is attached to the RPG's weapon entry, and none of the costumes I've looked at so far seem to override anything about the projectile's appearances. I'd assume that if there's a way to define a laserbolt as a projectile model (wherever those are stored...) and add projectile tags to a weapon, then there might be a way to do the rest of what you're saying.

Me, I'd stick with the hitscan approach, but I kind of crave simplicity. ._.
I suppose just inserting the missing pieces into the weapons that lack them won't do anything... And I have seen around the forum that custom textures are possible, but are custom models possible? Or will that have to wait for an SDK? I have a little bit of modeling ability in Blender, and could likely learn other (free) programs to experiment with a few ideas.