Stop Pirate Radio Station From Disappearing And Turn Off Pause Menu Music

This is just a tiny adjustment to make the Pirate
Radio station stop disappearing once you leave a
certain portion of the city.

The radio.xtbl file contains the radio station info for all the stations
including The Underground which is the pirate radio station. Search for 'pirate'
and you will find this:

<Category>Radio Stations</Category>
<Flag>Is Pirate</Flag>

It is located directly above the entry for The Mix

Now just make one change: remove the Is Pirate flag
so that your code looks like this:

<Category>Radio Stations</Category>

Now it will stay on the dial permanently.

Save your file and recompile your patch.

Now as an extra tip For anyone who might not know here is how you turn off
the music in the pause menu:

Open Music.xtbl and search for pause. Yo will find:

<AudioBanks>MUS SHARED</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>

All you have to change is the '<AudioBanks>MUS SHARED</AudioBanks>'
entry. Just change the part that says MUS SARED to NONE like so:

<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>

Save your file and recompile your patch

If you just want to change the Pause Menu music then here is a template
to do so (Courtesy Idolninja)

<AudioBanks>MUS EZZZY</AudioBanks>
<Play_Order>In Order</Play_Order>
<Category>Radio Stations:105.0 EZZZY FM</Category>

Drop the edited file in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' directory located in
Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it. Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2
folder and enjoy your game.

Note: This does not effect any missions or activities at all, so it should be safe to use in your normal game.