stores and waredrobe don't work

so when i want to enter the waredrobe or a store to change clothes the game stops working.
it doesnt crash and its still running but nothing happens and i cant move or do anything and i dont know why. i think my garage has the same problem but i am not 100% sure.

can someone tell me how to fix this? ( prefed without having to reinstall every thing )

and yes my pc can run the game
Do you have mods installed? It sounds like the asm_pc files might be out of date. Grab Minimaul's tools from the tools forum and run Stream2Update to update the files, then launch the game and try again. If that doesn't help, remove all your mods (delete every file in the game's root installation directory -- but not the subdirectories -- and run a cache verification in Steam) and try again.
I had same problem. The only thing that caused this problem for me was missing unlockables.xtbl. Make sure you have it in game's root installation directory. Otherwise check your recycle bin - maybe you deleted unlockables.xtbl while installing other mods.