Generally Awesome
SGDQ has begun. It's a video game speedrunning marathon, taking donations for Doctors Without Borders. If you donate during certain runs, you are entered into drawings to win prizes, plus there are grand prizes drawn after the marathon for anyone who donated during it (a Wii U and 3DS XL with custom SGDQ design, this time). You can direct your donations toward bids, incentives like having the players do something extra, choosing names for characters, or choosing between different runs to be on the schedule.
The main chat is on QuakeNet in the #sdamarathon channel. has its own chat, which is being left to its own devices, so it can be a little... wild and spammy.
Main page, with donation link:
If the stream doesn't show up, click the little icon in your browser to the left of the address bar, and tell it to allow insecure content or whatever.
Stream (if it doesn't show up on the main page):
Alternate stream page with stats:
The tracker, where you can see upcoming donation incentives and what has been put toward them (in "view bids"):
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