survival missions persistent?

on the official SRTT forum people say you can repeat survival missions even after finishing all 26.
i just wonder how. i'm done with the main story missions and i've finished all 26 survival challanges. now i don't get any new calls. i was walking around the city for about 30 minutes but still nothing happens :/
After finishing all the missions, gang operations, and owning all the properties (the entire map is purple), I got a call that "the police are always givin' us shit", and it was just a re-play of one I'd done before. Beat it, with no reward, or raise in the number of completed gang operations (which were already maxed).

You're not missing anything. It's just a glitch as far as I can tell.
I know this topic is old, but this info may help people. From what I can see definitely coincides with the "16/17 neighborhoods controlled" glitch.

I have 1 game save that shows 17/17 hoods controlled in the stats section in extras, and on that save I never receive survival calls any more. On my other save, that character shows 16/17 hoods controlled, and I persistently receive the survival calls, all repeats of ones I've already done.

So, survival calls will continue to come in until you hit 17/17 hoods controlled. Unfortunately, there's a glitch that makes hoods controlled stay at 16/17 even though you've 100% completed everything in the game. I have no idea what I did differently between the 2 playthroughs that made the 16/17 glitch happen on one but not the other.
It's not a glitch. It's right there in the table file that it was intentionally done by Volition to have recurring random calls after completing all of them.

sr3_city_survival.xtbl said:
<Display_Name>Completed Instance Replay</Display_Name>
<Description>If completed Survival instances should be replayable.

NOTE: Instances that have not been completed will always have a priority above those that have. So even if this is true, completed instances should not be chosen until all have been beaten.</Description>
<Choice>After Game Is Completed</Choice>

All survival instances are a sub element under the main settings that affect all of them. One of these global settings is:
<Completed_Replay>After Game Is Completed</Completed_Replay>

That means all survival instances will init in the phone after the game is completed giving preference to ones that have not been completed, otherwise a random one will proc.
OK. Well I guess it's just 2 differences between the game saves that happen to coincide.

Now I'm wondering why I have never gotten another survival call on the first game save I have since they are apparently supposed to continue happening.