This is just a retexture of the skeleton mask. To obtain it in the game, simply purchase the skeleton mask at Let's Pretend.
It's not perfect but it is a lot of fun to use, especially with Nolan North as the voice actor!
To install:
Unzip and drop the files into your Saints Row IV program folder.
If you already have mods installed, do not overwrite your "customize_item.asm_pc" file. Instead, only add the STR2_PC file and update the "customize_item.asm_pc" file already in the folder.
To update the file, use the "ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe" tool located here:
Here's a link to the download the character that I used:
Edit: Lady Deadpool version also available! Download and update your customize_item.asm_pc file as described above.
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