Thermopole Screens?

I was watching an LP of SR3 (I like LPs of co-op games when you can abuseinteract with your partner) and they were doing the "My Name is Cyrus Temple" mission. I then happened to notice that when selecting the 2 projects to approve, on the bottom of the screen it flashes a bunch of text. When I played the game before I never noticed, but now that I've poked into the game's files I know what to look for, somewhat. It displays files, notably .xtbl files. Unfortunately it's too fast for me to catch... did anyone else find out what it says?

And for that matter, anyone else know of any little easter eggs like that that only the devs (and anyone who's dug into the game) would get?
Those xtbl names are just randomly pulled from a list of them in the script. They don't mean anything.
So it's random xtbls, and NOT specific ones related to the mission? Drat. And here I was hoping it was showing an asset list of STAG. Literally.

Still an amusing bit, that it's actually pulling up xtbl names to show, that the computers in game are showing actual bits of the game. Now I'll have to consider a playthru again, despite my new computer having an ATI card, see what the other computer bits (including stuff like the Deckers missions, and other STAG bits) have.
So it's random xtbls, and NOT specific ones related to the mission? Drat. And here I was hoping it was showing an asset list of STAG. Literally.

Still an amusing bit, that it's actually pulling up xtbl names to show, that the computers in game are showing actual bits of the game. Now I'll have to consider a playthru again, despite my new computer having an ATI card, see what the other computer bits (including stuff like the Deckers missions, and other STAG bits) have.

You misunderstood. These aren't random files in the game. It's a simple list of strings that's part of a function in msn_proto_select.lua named msn_proto_update_txt(). i.e. it randomly chooses from them. It is nothing special like you're thinking at all.

    -- List of file names...
    local process_list = {

TLDR; They made all that shit up. Those aren't real tables.
The names are based on real tables, with some letters removed.

The clue for me was the AEVEMENTS.XTBL line: A(chi)EVEMENTS.XTBL
All the names follow the same pattern: first letter, 3 letters missing, remaining letters.
So I auto-matched the filenames using that pattern:

*A_AUTO_APC.XTBL - anim_auto_apc.xtbl (sr2)
*A_AUTO_MONSTER.XTBL - anim_auto_monster.xtbl (sr2)
*A_BIPLANE.XTBL - anim_biplane.xtbl (sr2)
*A_BROTHERHOOD.XTBL - anim_Brotherhood.xtbl (sr2)
*A_HELIFIGHTER.XTBL - anim_helifighter.xtbl (sr2)
*A_MOTO_MOPED.XTBL - anim_moto_moped.xtbl (sr2)
*A_REACTIONS.XTBL - anim_reactions.xtbl (sr2)
*BES.XTBL - bosses.xtbl (sr2)
*C_PHONE.XTBL - cell_phone.xtbl (sr2)
*CDEALERSHIPS.XTBL - car_dealerships.xtbl (sr2)
*CLIFE.XTBL - CML_Life.xtbl (sr2)
*CSWT1.XTBL - CML_SWT1.xtbl (sr2)
*MC_STORE.XTBL - music_store.xtbl (sr2)
*P_ZOMBIE.XTBL - PML1_Zombie.xtbl (sr2)
*PON_YACHT.XTBL - Prison_Yacht.xtbl (sr2)
*PSTREAKER.XTBL - PML_Streaker.xtbl (sr2)
*S_COLOR_POOL.XTBL - skin_color_pool.xtbl (sr2)
*T_OF_DAY.XTBL - time_of_day.xtbl (sr2)
*AEVEMENTS.XTBL - achievements.xtbl
*AON_NODE_NPCS.XTBL - action_node_npcs.xtbl
*AON_NODES.XTBL - action_nodes.xtbl
*A_ACTIONS.XTBL - anim_actions.xtbl
*A_AUTO.XTBL - anim_auto.xtbl
*A_BLEND_TREES.XTBL - anim_blend_trees.xtbl
*A_BOATS.XTBL - anim_boats.xtbl
*A_BOATS_CRAFT.XTBL - anim_boats_craft.xtbl
*A_BOATS_SPED1.XTBL - anim_boats_sped1.xtbl
*A_ENVIRONMENT.XTBL - anim_environment.xtbl
*A_FACE.XTBL - anim_face.xtbl
*A_FILES.XTBL - anim_files.xtbl
*A_FILES_FLAGS.XTBL - anim_files_flags.xtbl
*A_FLINCHES.XTBL - anim_flinches.xtbl
*A_HELI.XTBL - anim_heli.xtbl
*A_IK_LOCATION.XTBL - anim_ik_location.xtbl
*A_IK_SITUATION.XTBL - anim_ik_situation.xtbl
*A_JET.XTBL - anim_jet.xtbl
*A_MOTO.XTBL - anim_moto.xtbl
*A_MOTO_ATV.XTBL - anim_moto_atv.xtbl
*A_MOTO_CRUISER.XTBL - anim_moto_cruiser.xtbl
*A_MOTO_DIRT.XTBL - anim_moto_dirt.xtbl
*A_MOTO_ROCKET.XTBL - anim_moto_rocket.xtbl
*A_PLANE_STANDARD.XTBL - anim_plane_standard.xtbl
*A_PLANES.XTBL - anim_planes.xtbl
*A_POLICE_4D.XTBL - anim_police_4d.xtbl
*A_PROP_SETS.XTBL - anim_prop_sets.xtbl
*A_SET_FILENAMES.XTBL - anim_set_filenames.xtbl
*A_SET_PROPERTIES.XTBL - anim_set_properties.xtbl
*A_STATES.XTBL - anim_states.xtbl
*A_SYNCED.XTBL - anim_synced.xtbl
*A_TRANSITIONS.XTBL - anim_transitions.xtbl
*A_TRIGGERS.XTBL - anim_triggers.xtbl
*A_VEHICLES.XTBL - anim_vehicles.xtbl
*AO_CONSTANTS.XTBL - audio_constants.xtbl
*AO_EVENTS.XTBL - audio_events.xtbl
*AO_LINE_TAGS.XTBL - audio_line_tags.xtbl
*AO_MARKERS.XTBL - audio_markers.xtbl
*AO_PERSONAS.XTBL - audio_personas.xtbl
*AO_SETTINGS.XTBL - audio_settings.xtbl
*AO_SYNCS.XTBL - audio_syncs.xtbl
*BAP_MATERIALS.XTBL - bitmap_materials.xtbl
*BE.XTBL - brute.xtbl
*BE_BRUISER.XTBL - brute_bruiser.xtbl
*BE_ZOMBIE.XTBL - brute_zombie.xtbl
*CRA_FREE.XTBL - camera_free.xtbl
*CRA_SHAKE.XTBL - camera_shake.xtbl
*CORAMP.XTBL - cargoramp.xtbl
*CACTER.XTBL - character.xtbl
*CTS.XTBL - cheats.xtbl
*CERCIALS.XTBL - commercials.xtbl
*NRIETY.XTBL - notoriety.xtbl
*NRIETY_LEVELS.XTBL - notoriety_levels.xtbl
*NRIETY_SPAWN.XTBL - notoriety_spawn.xtbl
*NCOLOR_PALETTE.XTBL - npc_color_palette.xtbl
*PCHUTE.XTBL - parachute.xtbl
*P.XTBL - pedf.xtbl
*P_LIFE.XTBL - pedf_life.xtbl
*P.XTBL - pedm.xtbl
*PE_TABLE.XTBL - plane_table.xtbl
*P.XTBL - plyf.xtbl
*RO_ACTIVITIES.XTBL - radio_activities.xtbl
*RO_EVENTS.XTBL - radio_events.xtbl
*S_NAMES.XTBL - shop_names.xtbl
*SOX_EFFECTS.XTBL - skybox_effects.xtbl
*SEDOOR.XTBL - slidedoor.xtbl
*SE_WEAPONS.XTBL - store_weapons.xtbl
*SFE_ANGLES.XTBL - strafe_angles.xtbl
*S_ROPE.XTBL - swat_rope.xtbl
*TOO_COLOR_POOL.XTBL - tattoo_color_pool.xtbl
*TS.XTBL - teams.xtbl
*TR.XTBL - tiger.xtbl
*T_OF_DAY_OBJECTS.XTBL - time_of_day_objects.xtbl
*TFIC_LANES.XTBL - traffic_lanes.xtbl
*TFIC_TYPES.XTBL - traffic_types.xtbl
*TGERS.XTBL - triggers.xtbl
*TK_TABLE.XTBL - tweak_table.xtbl
*UCKABLES.XTBL - unlockables.xtbl
*U_INTERFACE.XTBL - user_interface.xtbl
*VBLACKHAWK.XTBL - veh_blackhawk.xtbl
*VHELI_MAD03.XTBL - veh_heli_mad03.xtbl
*VPONY.XTBL - veh_pony.xtbl
*VRIOT.XTBL - veh_riot.xtbl
*VTANK.XTBL - veh_tank.xtbl
*VVTOL.XTBL - veh_vtol.xtbl
*VVTOL2.XTBL - veh_vtol2.xtbl
*VCLES.XTBL - vehicles.xtbl
*VGAT_LS.XTBL - voc_gat_ls.xtbl
*VJOSH_LS.XTBL - voc_josh_ls.xtbl
*VKIA_LS.XTBL - voc_kia_ls.xtbl
*VKILLBANE_LS.XTBL - voc_killbane_ls.xtbl
*VKINZIE_LS.XTBL - voc_kinzie_ls.xtbl
*VMATT_LS.XTBL - voc_matt_ls.xtbl
*VOLEG_LS.XTBL - voc_oleg_ls.xtbl
*VPHILLIPE_LS.XTBL - voc_phillipe_ls.xtbl
*VPIERCE_LS.XTBL - voc_pierce_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_BF_LS.XTBL - voc_player_bf_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_BM_LS.XTBL - voc_player_bm_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_HF_LS.XTBL - voc_player_hf_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_HM_LS.XTBL - voc_player_hm_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_WF_LS.XTBL - voc_player_wf_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_WFA_LS.XTBL - voc_player_wfa_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_WM_LS.XTBL - voc_player_wm_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_WMA_LS.XTBL - voc_player_wma_ls.xtbl
*VPLAYER_Z_LS.XTBL - voc_player_z_ls.xtbl
There's just 4 which don't match any files - I'm guessing they were names of files during development which were later removed before the final release. The SR2 filenames are probably there for the same reason, they copied them over for Saints Row The Third, then removed them after hardcoding the list.
*A_TAGS.XML - (does not match any file from any game)
*01_LS.XTBL - (does not match any file from any game)
*02_LS.XTBL - (does not match any file from any game)
*03_LS.XTBL - (does not match any file from any game)

And for that matter, anyone else know of any little easter eggs like that that only the devs (and anyone who's dug into the game) would get?
Similar: On a Deckers computer screen in Burns Hill Reactors during Stop all the Downloading, there are some Lat/Long co-ordinates that resolve to a house in Champaign, Illinois.
I was wondering, I knew they looked almost like actual xtbls, like they should have been, considering the names. I couldn't see it quick enough and wasn't sure what was going on, but removing a few letters is a nice trick...

As for the house, wonder what that place is. Possibly connected to one of the devs, the one who did scripting or animations thee or something. Maybe they lived there, or has family there or something. Nice find.[