Tough S.T.A.G. Mod

I always thought that the STAG will be the most worthy opponents of the game, and will make quite a challenge to the player. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

As for me, STAG made it up almost as the easiest enemy in the game. They are much easier to fight (for me at least) then Luchadores and for Christ sake - even the Deckers. Even on the "hardcore" difficulty the STAG didn't made it to a "challenging" enemy that i supposed they'll be. I think it's just not right, so I think it could be fixed in a mod of some sort; unfortunately, I didn't find any yet. So, maybe someone can help me with it?..

As I said, the purpose of this mod is to do the STAG a challenging enemy - more like an elite operatives they were meant to be then some canon fodder they are.
First - I suppose that health for an ordinary trooper should be trippled and for STAG commando it should be at least as of Brute - they are wearing exoskeletons, for Christ sake! Then, they shouldn't go down as easilly.
Second - if it's possible, I think their aim should be significantly improved. For an elite military specialists they shoot like god-damn imperial stormtroopers - can't hit a target from 20 meters sometimes.
Third - significantly increase the damage from the Viper laser rifle. For now it seems almost the worst assault rifle of the game - the weakest, at least, even if the most accurate. If possible, triple the damage.
Fourth - If possible, make a micro-wave VTOL-gun, as well as tank's main gun and gunner's micro-wave weapon the one hit-kill for the player. It's just silly how the Boss can stand 7-12 seconds in that beam that destroys tanks in 2-3 secs.
Fifth - make the every STAG soldier being unable to be used as a human shield, like Commandos; 'cause it's really damn stupid that 16-year deckers catch elite soldiers in exoskeltons and hold them like some fools when you shot at them. If possible, make the STAG catch some civilians and gang members as human shields themselves, as I never saw one doing that.
And, if possible, can we make player's vehicle (tank and VTOLat least) as durable as those of NPC's? Because it's really boring that your tank takes like 15-20 hits and opponent's take 3-4.

So that's the idea. Can someone figure out that?

P.S. Also in this mod I think it would be pretty accurate to regulate the gang balance; toughen up Luchadores a little and make Deckers much easier enemies to crack; in the game for now, they fell almost as the toughest enemies, when meant to be the silliest ones - they're teenagers and nerds, as they're described.
The reason the gangs become difficult is partly their damage and HP, but partly because once you hit a given notoriety, they throw specialists, and the Decker specialists are deadly when you don't deal with them... Luchardor ones aren't bad in comparison, since the grenades take a bit to explode and mostly just stun the boss (and do damage of course). And then once you've fought those off, you get those PLUS Brutes, and that's just plain 'fun'.
Thus, the proper way to do it would be to make the STAG more in line. Riot shields are an idea, but we need more than that. Have the riot shield STAG turn up at threat level 2, they're a decent threat but can't harm you too well, just charge and knock you over all the time.. so we'll bump them down to make level 2 threatening but leave level 3 open for more. Make threat level 3 spawn STAG elites with a new weapon (if we figure how) that's something destructive. Like, say, give them the ability to call in airstrikes, or maybe use rocket launchers.. point is to have them fire something larger and explosive. Maybe more VTOLs as well at that level with more damaging beams. Then when you hit level 4, you get the STAG Commandos who have somewhere near the HP of a brute and hit like one too, using the minigun and a lot of charging. Something that says "I'm high level elite military badass and you're going to hurt". Give them the abilties to throw around people and cars like brutes too. I'd say have them with special kill methods, but that'd be replacing animations, so we can't.. and it makes them WORSE than brutes because you can't just get close and do a few QTE clicks, you have to beat them to death the old fashioned way.

Wow. That would make the STAG rather scary, when coupled with your suggestions for health and aim and damage of weapons.
1) Well, I don't know if it's possible to make riot shield troops spawn in 2-level notoriety. Well, maybe someone else could figure that out.. What I do know exactly is that it's possible to decrease the time before more reinforcements arrive; remember that mission from SR2 when the Boss attacked Ultor's Pyramid? In that mission Ultor's squad cars arrived by 4 every 3-5 seconds, meaning that player was quickly overrun by an infinite "wall of meat". In the "Realism" mod, that already exists somewhere on this thread (Or in Released mods), the reinforcement time has been increased - so, it can be changed in SR3 as well.
2) Same - I dunno if we can spawn elites in 3-level notoriety. Hovewer it's possible to make them wear rocket launchers and some other deadly stuff - maybe the Luchadores grenade launcher as well. There is a lot of mods that make Saints wear "tougher" weapons arsenal, so it's completely possible for STAG as well. Airstrike is a good idea too - maybe the STAG "specialist" - if we will be able to make it, as there's no Specialist for STAG - only troopers and commandos (who are more suitable for a Brute in STAG line) - will use SA-3 Airstrike on player an other enemies as well. For a Specialist I think we use an ordinary STAG trooper skin - as it's impossible to create new - but just give the SA-3 and a little more health. As for a VTOLs I know that's possible to make them fly in Strike packages of 3-4 planes at once.. Well, at least it was possible to make SWAT helicopters in SR2 to fly in packs, I don't know for the SR3..
3) Absolutely possible to increase health of STAG Commando and give them a minigun as I know. Yhat what I meant to be in such a mod. Unfortunatelly I don't know if it's possible to make them throwing cars and people. Replacing animations is possible though - as it was used in "Saints Heroes mod". It's a good idea to make Commandos being unable to be killed with two clicks, as it would make them probably the most dangerous enemies of the game (Well that's quite justified - they are the best men the US Government can throw at it's enemy, so they're probably should be the toughest guys to crack)

Well, I think the STAG was intentioned to be scary - it's the "final enemy" you face and they're at least look like something, well.. That could stand up against if not the Boss but at least any kind of other gangs and their elite forces.