Turn off lighting effects via .xtbl files?

Hi there, I'm new here, but not to SR

So, I tried installing SR3 on my laptop with a geforce 9300m gs and, amazingly, it works, sort of.

The problem is that this card doesn't work well at all with shaders and so, my question is this:

Can I modify any .xtbl files to remove some "expensive" lighting effects from the game?

I would much rather have the game running at 60fps in 1280x800 with less lighting effects than having it running as it is (with low settings that barely look any different from high) at 20fps in 800x600.

I did manage to find some interesting files but I'm not experienced enough with SR files to know exactly what to edit.
Just Lower the "Lighting" in the "Display Settings" in "Options"

Just Lower the "Lighting" in the "Display Settings" in "Options"

That's the first thing I've tried ;), that, and Rivatuner too, but rivatuner seems to have no effects on my card, unfortunately.

But I think that there might be a way to turn off some of the lighting shader effects used in the game via editing the .xtbl files.

I've tried editing the district.xtbl files but I only managed to turn off water reflections (I think) or the mountain in the background, which produces a ton of pop-ups.

I'm doing this because my card sucks with shaders and I'd much rather have a fast game in high-res with less lighting effects than a slow game in 800x600 that looks near identical to the high settings presets.

I think that, by editing the files, some of us can get a much more stable game. Specially for playing this with tons of explosions on coop.

Thanks anyway