Uh... bugged save?

Hello ;v; Recently I noticed that when I'm playing SR4, the autosave seems to take longer than usual (sometimes it doesn't even save at all) when I collect a collectible, and when I try to save, nothing works. Then I tried saving again and this pops up

and when I try to load it, this happens

I thought maybe I should replay the game from the beginning, but even then I can't save, so I think the saving function for this game is bugged in general. Is there any way I can fix this? Thanks
First thing you should always try is "VERIFY THE INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES...".

If you want to start clean and replay the game from the beginning, you can try deleting all your save files like this:
  1. Exit the game, if it's running.
  2. Take Steam OFFLINE. Otherwise Steam will try to restore your corrupt files from the cloud.
  3. In Windows Explorer, go to your "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user_id>\206420\remote" directory (where <user_id> is your Steam user id).
  4. Move (not copy) all files that begin with "sr3save" or "sr4save" to another folder for safekeeping. Those are your save files. Now the folder should not contain any save files.
  5. Now restart the game.
That should allow you to start a new game. Let me know if that works.

If that doesn't work for you, you can move all your save files back into the original folder and everything will be back the way it was (but still broken). You may have an issue with your hard drive.

You can read more about the Save Files here, if you want all the details:
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