Unlocking the DLC Weapons

After beating Trouble with Clones, I was really disappointed to find that the Swarmatron weapon isn't unlocked for use outside of the one mission it's featured in.

I know that there are mods for adding heavy weapons like the Minigun from the main game to Friendly Fire stores, but I haven't seen anything that enables you to buy the DLC weapons after beating the missions in which they're introduced.

If anyone has the time to create such a mod, I'd be very appreciative!
There's a problem with preloading the meshes used for the mission pack dlc guns where they are only visible in the mission itself. We've been trying to find a way around that for months now.
Thanks for the quick reply!
That's one bizarre way to design a game. I have to wonder how the devs missed the whole 'wanting to actually use the content you bought' thing. haha Here's hoping a solution is discovered.
There's a problem with preloading the meshes used for the mission pack dlc guns where they are only visible in the mission itself. We've been trying to find a way around that for months now.
If and when you find a way to make the DLC weapons unlockable, will you be uploading a DLC allowing players to acquire them outside missions the SR3 Downloadable Content Menu?
If and when you find a way to make the DLC weapons unlockable, will you be uploading a DLC allowing players to acquire them outside missions the SR3 Downloadable Content Menu?

Absolutely not.
As I stated before once, but this time in a nutshell: none of the DLC guns can be loaded at all. This game lacks space to load them.
I rather doubt it's a memory limitation. Yes, the consoles don't have that much memory, but that is not very relevant to what the PC engine is capable of, despite its design. Assets have successfully been added to the preload packs, such as the pony cart animation.

The difference is that those animations, like the ponycart, reside in the vanilla game's archives. There is absolutely no problem with adding meshes and animations to preload them by sticking them in the preload vanilla archives. It works perfectly. The engine handles the DLC archives (dlc1.vp_pc, dlc2.vpp_pc, and dlc3.vpp_pc) contents much differently though. Since the engine is not expecting those assets in a vanilla archive, it means that adding them does absolutely nothing. Believe me, we've already tried. The engine only looks to load those specific DLC assets after everything else is loaded, and only when needed for certain missions. That is the problem.

Now that I've typed that all out though, I do have to wonder how/why certain other dlc assets are actually preloaded in the open world; like, say, the genkibowl reward cars, or the gangsta in space helmet reward, etc. and some are not, like the laser weapons. That difference is likely the key if we can figure out why.
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