Using Gibbed's Tools?

You edit the files with notepad (generally speaking.) Any text editor will do. Since you're just getting started, you'll probably want to focus on the xml table files. i.e. .xtbl ones. You would make a copy of the xtbl file and put that copy in your SRTT install folder. Edit it there, change settings, and start the game. Just that easy.
You edit the files with notepad (generally speaking.) Any text editor will do. Since you're just getting started, you'll probably want to focus on the xml table files. i.e. .xtbl ones. You would make a copy of the xtbl file and put that copy in your SRTT install folder. Edit it there, change settings, and start the game. Just that easy.
Cool! Thanks, Also do you have any easy ones to edit as a first time test? Like which one to try?
tweak_table.xtbl in the misc_tables.vpp_pc archive is often a favorite of new modders. That has all sorts of physics and world settings you can mess with. The other xtbl files in that particular archive may also be a good start.
tweak_table.xtbl in the misc_tables.vpp_pc archive is often a favorite of new modders. That has all sorts of physics and world settings you can mess with. The other xtbl files in that particular archive may also be a good start.
Can you give me an example of what to type in misc_tables.vpp_pc? Sorry for asking too much, Im new to modding SR3.
Well, all the fields are pretty self-explanatory. Read what it is and try a different value. You need to experiment.

Here's an example:

Try increasing the distance you can set people on fire with the killbane mask when you taunt by changing 5 to some crazy high number like 1000.
