Using NPC faces - is it possible?

I was wondering if it's possible to extract the data to generate NPC faces and use those values for the player character? Anyone that has modded Fallout 3 or New Vegas will know that you could set NPC faces as presets in the character creation menu.
I don't believe something like that will be possible until the SDK is released.
In the GECK you can do that yes, but im fallout 3/NV the player and all npcs are the same in terms of model editing, like you can make anyone look like anyone else just with a small tweak within the GECK, in saints row (3 or 4 at least) the player and npcs are modeled differently itll be a case of converting someones head to become playable? Not to sure on that one
They changed the system dramatically after SR2.. in SR2 they used the player type model with tricks to make new NPCs, off of presets of clothes/face/etc. Think like your FO3/NV experience. Then in SR3 they overhauled that part for speed, and the NPCs used specific pre-defined models only. It's a lot faster and uses less memory/processor hence they did it under the tight confines of consoles. The downside of course is that NPC clothing and faces are no longer the same as the stuff the player wears. They have to be specifically handled to work, including in the case you're likely thinking of with Cyrus Temple.

With the SDK, there's a chance we'll be able to manage that sort of thing for other NPCs, extending out the wardrobe etc to change faces. No guarantees how easy it'll be, probably far easier for the outfits for a long while, they don't lipsynch :P
The only bad thing about that is that it only works with the characters that are shown there. Still, at least it's something.