Vehicle Smash and All Super Upgrades Cheat Bugs

Both Vehicle Smash and All Super Upgrades cheats CANNOT be deactivated in-game by unticking the check marks; they remain checked and will also grey out (become unclickable) if you try to do so. The only way to circumvent the issue is to reload the save.

Both smashbro596 and I have confirmed this. I am certain this is not an isolated case and is 100% reproducible. Other cheats may be affected by this bug...
All Super Upgrades is not a bug, it is saved to your save game and as you unlock the various powers you will already have all the options for it.
No, I meant that, as with all other cheats that can be toggled, it's supposed to be able to get unchecked in the cheats menu when clicked a second time instead of greying out.
That cheat is not a toggle. It basically buys all of the super power upgrades for you. And you cannot unlearn super power upgrades, which is why you are not given the option to turn the cheat off.
That cheat is not a toggle. It basically buys all of the super power upgrades for you. And you cannot unlearn super power upgrades, which is why you are not given the option to turn the cheat off.
I see your point. However, if the cheat was never intended to be toggled by the end-user, why is there a toggle check box graphic accompanying it (which serves no purpose other than to grey out when clicking it again)? Cheats unable to be toggled such as Give Cash understandably don't have a toggle graphic. Everyone should be able to see the folly in this. I'm positive this is a bug. I certainly don't see any reason why the Vehicle Smash cheat cannot be toggled off while Vehicle No Damage can. Maybe one of Volition's developers can comment on this.
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