VTOL Weapon on Char like the Mod in SR3

Hi Guys,

I'm missing one thing in SR4, and that is the VTOL Weapon i had in SR3 through a mod...

I downloaded loads of mods for SR3 and combined those and it would be so damn awesome if I could use the same Weapon in SR4.

My problem is that i really don't know what to i have to change to get this working, i forgot the whole steps, maybe someone of you can help me with this, i would really appreciate it.

I attached 2 Screenshots, for a better understanding.

SaintsRowTheThird_DX11 2013-09-07 11-31-01-95.jpg

SaintsRowTheThird_DX11 2013-09-07 11-33-40-04.jpg

Greets from Germany