want walking zombies mod and soldier homies

Can someone make zombies to walking not runing and take steelport guard (soldier) to be homies or friends? I just want to see the war between zombies and soldier. of course I like to be part of this war...Then I choose human (Soldier) side. Sorry for my language
Your language is fine man. I don't think I would be able to make a mod like that although I think it's a fantastic idea. I'm so tired of zombies running after me all the time because it's harder to shoot in a way. But biggest of all of hope someone makes a mod to where whenever you activate the zombie mode. The city looks trashed like crashed cars everywhere and newspaper on the streets and random buildings burning. Cool stuff like that. I hope someone takes time to do this one day or it becomes a DLC pack. That would be amazing.
Can someone make zombies to walking not runing and take steelport guard (soldier) to be homies or friends? I just want to see the war between zombies and soldier. of course I like to be part of this war...Then I choose human (Soldier) side. Sorry for my language
You can recruit STAG-Soldier's or Police & Army, with Sandbox+ Mod.