Weapon Upgrade mod

I really like the weapons in SR:TT but i think that some of the weapons looks cooler in their lower upgrade states. I was just wondering is somebody could make a mod where you could choose how your weapon can to look even if you have it fully upgraded?


Also it could be cool if somebody could get the gangstas in space weapons to be purchaisable in friendly fire if you have the DLC ofc.
Man, so many great ideas. So little tools to pull it off with.
Its almost as if we all have played one too many Bethesda type games like Skyrim or Fallout Series, with all the mod tools there. Grin.

I hope some deep cover insider from Volition is stopping in here from time to time, and maybe gets the bright idea
to make SR4 more open and maybe provide some tools as Bethesda and others have done.

What I'd love is just a way to strip a 'upgrade' if you dislike it.

Rather than being forced to start a new game with new character.
I agree, I prefer the appearance of the lower versions, mostly want a missing suppressor in my case.

As for your last comment. My understanding the reason Volition didnt' allow for that has to do with severe memory
restrictions they have to put up with, and I guess that has to do with being limited by the xbox and ps3 limitations.
I saw a thread elsewhere here that mentions that, by someone who knows far more than I.