What are the chances of revisiting Saints Row 1?

Whilst I know this would be absurdly low on the list of priorities... What are the chances you guys might revisit Saints Row 1? I really loved the first one, and despite the sequels all being superior to the original I would love a chance to replay it. I recently had to sell off my 360, so I was just curious if there's even a REMOTE chance that SR1 would see a port to PC or PS3? I remember there was for a short time an SR1 "enhanced edition" in the pipe line for PS3, but was canned to make more room for SR2.

TLDR; Will SR1 ever get a port or revisit?
I'm very curious about SR1 as well, never had a 360. Mmm... I wonder if it could be eventually ported into the new engine with all the modding tools on the way
Its really a great game, and its kind of great how the series is so tonally grounded in the first one. I would recommend owning a 360 for all kinds of games, the first SR is definitely one of them. Its such an under rated little classic that gets completely over shadowed by part 2.
There are a lot of things we would like to do, but like Freespace 3 this is pretty unlikely. :(
*shakes fists at the heavens* Blast! I suppose this means I'll have to cave and buy a new 360 at some point if I ever want to play SR1 again.
There are a lot of things we would like to do, but like Freespace 3 this is pretty unlikely. :(

Well, would we say that it may be a bit more possible if we were able to get a DRM-free version of SR2...

This would require two things. First, we would need to find the source code that shipped SR2 PC. I don't think we have found that yet and I'm actually not sure if we got it from the outsourcers. Second, we would need to get Deep Silver on board for such a thing, but maybe that isn't so hard for someone as loved as Idol. :)
...that we could reverse engineer the assets from SR1, and convert them to SR2's engine? As I saw with the GTA: Vice City Stories PC Version mod for San Andreas, once you get the assets, clips and compatible engine, it's more than possible to make a "PC version" of a console exclusive game.
Well, would we say that it may be a bit more possible if we were able to get a DRM-free version of SR2...

...that we could reverse engineer the assets from SR1, and convert them into SR2's engine? As I saw with the GTA: Vice City Stories PC Version mod for San Andreas, once you get the assets, clips and compatible engine, it's more than possible to make a "PC version" of a console exclusive game.

Using console assets is unethical, at best. It's definitely not something we would allow on this forum. Unless, of course, Volition gave us the SR1 files and their blessing, but somehow I doubt that.
There are a lot of things we would like to do, but like Freespace 3 this is pretty unlikely. :(
I'd rather see Freespace 3 than a SR remake... pity about the IP ownership issues for Freespace...