What's this about a debug DLL and a command window in Sandbox+?

So I was looking through the Lua script for Sandbox+ and I came across the following comment:
--following debug is handy for grabbing cutscenes coords if you have the debug dll and a command window up
--local posx,posz,posy = get_object_pos(LOCAL_PLAYER)
--debug_print("Player Pos: " .. posx .. " " .. posy .. " " .. posz .."\n")
What is this referring to? Where can I get this debug dll, and what can I do with the command window? I would think it's some kind of Lua console, but IdolNinja said that this wasn't possible. And AFAIK it's his mod, so he would know about it. :D

EDIT: This is concerning Saints Row 3, not 2; I accidentally posted this in the wrong section.
Oh okay, thanks. Any way you could enable that to be used as a Lua console, since it seems to be hooked into the game's Lua engine? I really want to try different Lua commands without having to restart the game each time. I tried using dofile and io.open in sr3_city.lua, but both of those don't work and just cause Sandbox+ to stop working until I restart.