What's up with Gat ?

Yeah it is a weak pun, but it did make y'all look :rolleyes:

Serious though, I do have an issue.

My good gamer brother from another Mother ~ The Great "Arioh" has been helping me with these excellent Mods but even his skills can not resurrect the first mission live Johnny Gat.

We tried 2 mods back & forth. One is supposed to replace Zombie Gat with live Gat & the other is supposed to replace the non Nightblade Burk with our best Homie ever Johnny Gat.

* Arioh is stumped & I never had a clue. So I come begging your wisdom yet again :

What needs to be done to add LIVE Johnny Gat to my game?

Any advice is welcomed & as always I thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Saint Pain the War Pig.

If you want a fix to an existing mod, generally you'd post in that mod's thread. If you want a new mod, it'd be a thread in requests like this. If you want either one... both, I guess.

But first let's see what's up with the one you linked.

In what way did it not work, did it crash or just make no apparent changes?
No apparent changes. We tried booth options to replace Live Gat. "One at a time" neither worked. Arioh said it was a common issue.

Any advice is welcomed ~ As always, I thank you for your time.
yea, call options for homies displayed as grey, like they was used, and white called like busy... and i remember complains on official forum about such glitch