Fun Shaundi wears normal jeans?
Okay. Normal jeans are now those that either expose your underwear or your crack in the absence thereof.
More variety would be nice, but they are in no way mom pants, especially considering the Sausage Casing pants and similar items
do not meet the ribcage. I think, however, what you're seeing are items made for male characters that are able to be worn by female
characters, and the game is already straining with its current clothing selection, which is probably why we haven't seen a larger
selection of everyday clothing items (most new items are extravagantly stylized to fit the zany new theme).
Anyway, Shaundi's bellbottoms are very low cut and her belt doesn't fit, and further, in SR2 she slept around town and her wardrobe
and personality made her appear both loose and laid back. There were a variety of clothing items that were equally low cut, but the
majority of them were made to fit the wearer, making those items the exception and not the norm.
And as an aside, do you know how difficult it is in modern times to find women's shirts with actual sleeves, collars, and pants that are
neither too tight nor made of flimsy fake stretchy denim substitute? You probably have to shop at a Western store to get jeans that
kick ass. The only complaint I have about some of SR4's jeans is they can't be properly recolored, other than that, they look pretty
Wynot: Yes, the clothes are very thick in SR4 perhaps to prevent clipping of the character through them, I don't know. Also the reason
Oblivion's characters look terrible in comparison to Skyrim's is because Skyrim has completely custom built models by Bethesda artists,
Oblivion went the lazy route (as do many games) and used the FaceGen software suite to generate its characters.